Monday, September 9, 2013

7 Cardinal Rules For Life

This was shared by my friend Stephen from “Who Eat My Blog.” He “borrowed” it from the Biggest Loser Resort Facebook page. It is just too perfect not to pass on.

Oma would love to go to the Biggest Loser Resort some day.

“Sweeping” Is No Longer What Your Crazy Grandmother Does

How to Win a Life of Luxury through Sweepstakes

“Sweeping” is no longer what that crazy grandmother down the street does. With the advent of online sweepstakes, the participants of this lucrative “hobby” have averaged out much younger in the last 10 years.

Point in fact, this Oma started her hobby as a sweeper in 2008 at the age of 53*. As my participation in the hobby grew, Oma has noticed that a lot of her sweeps friends and acquaintances are forty years of age or younger! It is Oma’s personal belief that the emergence of Mommy Blogs** has propagated this trend.

This weekend Oma had the opportunity to read a paperback book entitled “Sweepstakes Millionaire” by Johnathan Wyka-Warzecha.

Opa and Oma pose in front of Buckingham Palace
Enjoying Their Free Vacation (August 2009).
Oma considers herself an accomplished “sweeper.” I have won many trips, including a vacation to England. My biggest win was from Sears. They outfitted Oma’s kitchen with Energy Saving Appliances: a refrigerator, double oven, cook top AND dishwasher! (ARV $10,000).

If you do not know what ARV stands for, you need to purchase this book. It closes with a handy “Glossary of Terms” (ARV = Approximate Retail Value).

Although not a newcomer to Sweepstakes, Oma found this fun paperback book chocked full of useful information. It is the perfect gift for a Sweepstakes Newbie or that Sweepstakes Expert. The book was easy to read and organized so that the reader can easily locate the section most pertinent to the task they were attempting.

My favorite part of the book was the interesting testimonials from actual sweepstakes winners. Oma wished that there were more such stories and that the accounts contained more details to motivate people to this exciting and rewarding hobby. A few photos would have really enhanced the testimonial experience as well.

Another must read chapter if you wish to experience the thrill of winning a sweepstakes is Chapter 3 – How to increase your chances of winning sweepstakes. It offered priceless advice which covered Online Sweepstakes, Video Sweepstakes, Instant Win Sweepstakes, Mail-In Sweepstakes, In-Store Sweepstakes, and Computer Game Contests. Who would have thought that there were so many different types of sweepstakes and that each had its own strategy.

If you have ever thought of investing your time to enter and win sweepstakes, Oma urges you to read this book. It will provide you with the information needed to start winning quickly. It took Oma years to gather this insight!

You can find this book by clicking here.

*Click here to read about the win that started Oma on her sweepstaking career.

**Mommy Blog: Family-and-homemaking blogs are weblogs which feature commentary and discussions especially about home, family, and parenting. Appellations in media reports of "mom blog," "dad blog," "parenting blog" and "family blog" refer to blogs of this type.

As a blogger, my integrity is one of the most valuable things Oma owns. Therefore, reviews will contain both positive and negative aspects as is appropriate. To put it in a simpler manner, this review is meant to help my readers (editorial) more than to help a brand (advertising).

However, it should be noted that Oma was given a copy of Sweepstakes MILLIONAIRE: How to Win a Life of Luxury through Sweepstakes to read and review.

Enough To Clog The Pipes

What a mess!!!! Still kinda cute tho!!

The diaper says there is enough to clog the pipes. (Really funny when you remember that this sweet baby's father is a plumber). And at 2:50 am this morning, this is the diaper Daddy grabs. Thanks Auntie Sierra!!

Reef was full of poo and right when Daddy was finished cleaning up, Baby Reef  he went again !!!! 

411 On Baby PooP

A newborn can have as many as eight to ten bowel movements a day, but as long as he is having at least one, he's probably all right.

One day without a bowel movement is usually no cause for concern. As long as your baby is feeding well and wetting his diaper five or six times a day, then he's most likely getting enough to eat. If he starts to become uncomfortable or has a persistently swollen abdomen, then he may need some help with pooping, and you should speak to your pediatrician about how to facilitate this.

In the early days, a newborn's bowel movements are thick and dark green in color. This is due to a substance called meconium that has been building up in his intestines during pregnancy. As the baby starts to feed and have bowel movements, he will finish expelling the meconium and his stools will start to turn yellowish. It is not uncommon for an infant's bowel movements to vary in color from day to day. The color of the stools can depend on a variety of things, including what a breastfeeding mom is eating, how hydrated the baby is, and the type and frequency of formula the infant is being fed, if applicable.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Happy Oma and Opa Day!

Opa gets Reef to smile!

Yesterday, Baby Reef came home from the hospital. His first day at home went well. Of course, why wouldn’t it; Mom and Dad are prepared and very patient.

Today is Grandparent’s Day. Oma has never paid much attention to this “holiday” before. However, Reef has changed that.

The impetus for a National Grandparents Day originated with Marian McQuade, a housewife from West Virginia. Her primary motivation was to champion the cause of lonely elderly in nursing homes. She also hoped to persuade grandchildren to tap the wisdom and heritage their grandparents could provide.

In 1978, President Jimmy Carter, proclaimed that National Grandparents Day would be celebrated every year on the first Sunday after Labor Day.

“A Song For Grandma And Grandpa" by Singer/Songwriter Johnny Prill
is the official song of National Grandparents Day.

Happy Oma and Opa Day!

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Which path will these tiny feet
stamp upon?

Three Generations of Smiths - Dad Zack and Opa frame Baby Reef’s Feet
Future skateboarder or plumber or racecar driver like his uncle Moses? A combination of all three?
Which path will these tiny feet stamp upon?  Reef’s voyage began yesterday – his world will be filled with love and comfort; safe in the knowledge that his path is lined by the persons, who like trees, will stand tall to willingly shade his way.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Reef With Opa

Opa meets his grandson, Reef for the first time. Everyone is well - thanks for all the well wishes and positive thoughts!

Welcome Baby Reef

Reef Indy Smith was born today at 9:11 a.m. PST. He weighed 9 lbs. 7 oz.

Oma received the phone call at about ten p.m. on 09/05/2013. Mommy’s water broke and Reef’s parents were on their way to the hospital. Oma got dressed and drank a mug of Bombay Chai Tea and then also headed out to the hospital in Fallbrook, CA.

We were joined by Grandma & Grandpa Syniski and Auntie Heather. To quote Reef’s Grandmother, “Attention! Attention! Today was a very happy day for me! My family welcomed into our family my second grandchild and first grandson...Reef Indy Smith!! Mom and Dad...Amanda and Zack did a wonderful job of bringing this beautiful boy into our lives,( with no small help from Amanda's sister Heather), and I couldn't be more proud of all of them. He is soooo handsome and he will be much loved by all of us! Congrats to Amanda and Zack!!!! Love you all!”

Welcome Baby Reef – You are loved and you will be blessed!

Oma gets to hold Baby Reef for the first time
Reef's Mommy and Daddy did a wonderful job bringing baby Reef into the world in a calm and loving environment.