Accurate and Tests More Parameters than Most Brands
Did you know that Urinalysis Test Strips are useful in the preliminary screening for diabetes, liver diseases, hemolytic diseases, urogenital, and kidney disorders?
The Easy@Home Areta Urinalysis Reagent Strips provide the fast and accurate tests for the following parameters: Glucose, Bilirubin, Ketone, Specific Gravity, Blood, pH, Protein, Urobilinogen, Nitrite and Leukocytes in urine. Results can be read with two minutes of use.
The Easy@Home Areta 10 Parameter (10SG) Urinalysis Test Strip package contains one bottle and the bottle contains 100 Strips. The Urinalysis Test Strips are fresh to use for 90 days after opening. These strips are also FDA approved and cleared for OTC use.
Oma found the Easy@Home Areta 10 Parameter (10SG) Urinalysis Test Strip a super easy and convenient method to assist diagnoses in kidney function, urinary tract infections, carbohydrate metabolism, liver function, acid-based balance and urine concentration. This urinalysis is a useful procedure as an indicator of health or disease.
Tips- Replace cap immediately after removing the test strip and do not touch the test areas.
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Product Description
Urinalysis Test Strips are useful in the preliminary screening for diabetes, liver diseases, hemolytic diseases, urogenital, and kidney disorders.
The package contains one bottle and the bottle contains 100 Strips, easily used within the shelf life, no waste. (All mainstream Urinalysis Test Strips are fresh to use for 90 days after opening).
FDA approved and cleared for OTC use.
10 Parameters: The Easy@Home Areta Urinalysis Reagent Strips provide the fast and accurate tests for the following parameters: Glucose, Bilirubin, Ketone, Specific Gravity, Blood, pH, Protein, Urobilinogen, Nitrite and Leukocytes in urine.
Nitrites: may be a sign of urinary tract infection or other infection.
Leukocytes: aka white blood cells. Also indicates presence of infection.
Glucose: the most common test for diabetes.
pH: measures urine acidity, associated with higher risk for kidney stones.
Protein: (albumin): tests for kidney function.
Ketones: caused by disorders of increased metabolism; also by unbalanced diets such as high protein/low carb, anorexia or fasting.
Specific gravity: evaluates the body's water balance and urine concentration.
Blood: can result from infection, injury, inflammation, kidney stones or cancer.
Bilirubin: could indicate liver or gallbladder problems such as gallstones, hepatitis, cirrhosis or tumors.
Urobilinogen: checks for liver disease.
Easy to Use:
- Just dip the test into urine sample for 1-2 seconds and read results
- Just compare the reagent areas on the strip and the parameter corresponding color on the container.
- Results in minutes; Test at home and keep the privacy
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Can I use these to test my cats urine also? Pet straps are $50!!