By My Buddy Don McDaniel
As I tentatively approach my FIRST 90 years here on planet earth my thoughts turn to what could have been versus what actually was and in retrospect I have absolutely no regrets, it's been one hell of a ride, and with God's blessings, it aint over yet.
I was born at an early age and along with 3 cousins I was "Brung Up" in the mountains of Northern California by an aunt and uncle who were firm believers in the old adage, "Spare The Rod, etc"
My teen years were largely misspent, I was a total failure as a bull rider in the local rodeos, with a working knowledge of the dumb end of a shovel and a manure fork and the south end of a north bound cow, then during WW2 a few years as a government pack mule provocateur, a frugal life on the backstretch of various race tracks and horse farms and ultimately a beginning entry into the hallowed halls of horsemanship, fostered by a wonderful old school spade bit horseman
As wandered into legality I entered into a contract with the U S Navy, experienced the futility of the Korean "Pizz Up" then after several years of wasted efforts I gained my freedom and returned to my apprenticeship in the study of the noble equine and his use and functions.
At this point I was privileged to become acquainted with a variety of men and women with names like Mac, Jimmy, Barbara, Clyde, Red,John, and others who introduced the world to the function, beauty and wonders of the "Western Horse" I made every effort to join the ranks of these splendid horsemen and women and was rewarded with a mediocre career of training horses for wonderful customers and a gaggle of juveniles who I still call "My Kids" and who remain dear friends even after all these years.
Barn builder, equestrian center manager and consultant, horse show judge, actor, model, off road racer, cop, author, and several occupations that I hesitate to discuss and many other "Cow Plops" in the pasture of life that have led me to the edge of senility and a rapidly deteriorating carcass.
I've been horse-bit, mule kicked, bull stomped, robbed, lied to, run off with, bucked off, cussed and discussed, blessed and cursed, but ya know what?, I loved every damn minute of it. I've been lover, a fighter and a wild horse rider and I still think I can buck harder, kick higher and fart louder than any OLD horse in the corral.
As for my advice to anyone who is remotely interested I say, " Just Keep Spurring, Because If You Don't They'll Damn Sure Catch Up." Just Sayin