Wednesday, December 11, 2013

A special message for
One Direction

Update - Lets make this happen!

A business friend, Rich asked me for help this morning:
"There is a girl in our town, 15 years old, that was diagnosed with cancer a few years back along with a boy that unfortunately passed away last year. They were in the same grade. Her cancer was gone, but unfortunately she has relapsed. She now needs a bone marrow transplant. While I know it is a long shot, she is hoping to be able to meet One Direction at her Philadelphia Hospital before she needs her bone marrow transplant. She made a video and I was hoping you could share it anywhere you can!”


Rich has affirmed that this is “100% on the up and up.”

So here is what Oma is asking.
  1. First please simply watch the video and leave a supportive comment if possible.
  2. Secondly, please share with your friends, family, co-workers etc.
It would be wonderful if we could band together and have this video go viral for this deserving child! This video only has 2,382 views and 81 thumbs up at the moment. Let’s get more for Brittany Santana!

Please help – it will only take a second yet mean so much.

One Direction – Boys are you paying attention?
One Direction – Boys are you paying attention?

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  1. Sending Britany many Prayers, Blessings and that her WISH will come True to see One Direction.

  2. done and post bit on all my friends

  3. I have tweeted to one direction and to twist magazine... I am also going to contest them on facebook to see if we can get this to happen for you.. You hang in there and stay strong! I believe in Miracles! I got the kid a replacement a disney hippo for her grave that was stolen - it wasn't made anymore and I got them to find the mold and make it, we can make this happen for you and you believe in Miracles!

  4. Will share with friends. I hope One Direction will come through for all the sick children.

  5. hope she gets to see One Direction. Will be posting on their wall and tweeting it!!

  6. I'd love to have this happen for Brittany!

  7. I hope One Direction comes through for her. Sending lots of love and prayers.


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