Saturday, November 22, 2014

Reef Indy’s First Plane Ride

Cousin Sofia and Reef Indy at the San Diego Airport

Reef Indy may just be fourteen month old, but that did not stop him from behaving like a seasoned traveler. Oma and Opa always arrive at the airport with plenty of time to spare. Therefore, there was a good two hours to wait before departure time.

We utilized the extra time at the airport to give the toddler a chance to exercise and tucker out a bit. Reef Indy and Cousin Sofia did a great job playing the downtime away.

The group also stopped by the California Pizza restaurant for a light lunch. Oma even had time to enjoy a Tazo Tea!  Reef and his Dad watched several planes as they took to the air in departure.

We normally do not fly on American Airlines and were unpleasantly surprised when we were not allowed to board earlier with our children. With a full plan, that made the process a tad more stressful, but both children managed like troopers.

Because toddler's eustachian tubes (the passages between the middle ear and the nose) are so narrow, it's hard for air pressure in their ears to equalize when the cabin's air pressure changes during takeoff and landing. Since swallowing helps open the passage, Reef ate a few “pouches” during take-off. He did not suffer from any discomfort.

Reef Indy really enjoyed sitting on his Opa’s lap and observing everything going on outside through the little portal window. The three-hour flight to Dallas-Fort Worth was interrupted by a brief fifteen minute crying spell. Then Reef slept peacefully in his mother’s arm.

Reef Indy landed well-rested and ready for his Texas adventure with Uncle Moses and Auntie Sitara.

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