2019 Alaska Vacation Journal (77)
07/27/2019 No Travel Day – Yukon Wildlife Preserve
Start Location:
Start Time: N/A
Mileage: 55,258.8
Cost Per Night: $34.97 CAD
Weather: 48-66 F Sunny
We got up early enough to do our laundry before our 11:00 a.m. private tour of the Yukon Wildlife Preserve.
Danny and Uli Nowlan created the Yukon Game Farm in 1967. In 2004, the Yukon Government purchased the Farm, and renamed it the Yukon Wildlife Preserve. You can explore the 5km / 3mi (350 acre) loop on foot. However, we opted to take the private tour which included ‘behind the scenes’ access to the Research and Rehabilitation Center.
Our guide Julie brought us to the Rehab Center first. I fell in love with the baby quail. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to photograph in the building – but trust me they were too cute for words.
Then we rode our private bus through the preserve. Since only Paul and I were aboard, we were able to stop and get out whenever we wanted. We were also privy to ask all the questions on our mind. It was a wonderful experience and we both learned so much.
As an example, did you know that horns stay with an animal their entire life, while antlers fall off every year? What I loved most about this wildlife preserve is that the well-maintained paths were open to children and their bicycles. I know that my grandchildren would love it here!
Wildlife Spotted: At the Preserve, thinhorn sheep, mule deer, bison, elk, muskox, mountain goat, lynx, artic fox, caribou, artic squirrels, phoebe (bird)
Strawberry Blite is an Edible Annual Plant |
Paul with Our Awesome Guide Julie |
The Artic Ground Squirrel is Often Refer as the"Parka" Squirrels |
I Called this Girl Marilyn Monroe – She loved to Pose. |
The Canada Lynx Look Similar to Bobcats but with Longer Ear Tuffs |
This Fox Is Well Adapted to Living in Cold Environments |
Male Caribou Shed Their Antlers Yearly In November Or December |
The Caribou Females Also Grow Antlers |
These Guys Are Known as Thinhorn Sheep, Dall Sheep, or Fannin's Sheep |
The Thinhorn Sheep Blend in Well |
The Sheep Predators are Wolves, Bears, Wolverine Golden Eagles & Us |
Muskox Is Noted for Its Thick Coat and for The Strong Odor |
Bison Are Large, Even-Toed Ungulates (Hoofed Mammal) |
This Cute Baby Elk Was Waiting for Momma to Finish Eating |
This Cow Saw the Dinner Truck Pull Up |
The Elk Cow Gives Birth after a Six-Month Gestation Period |
The Yukon Wildlife Preserve Offer Acres of Beauty |
A Peaceful and Serene Place to Explore by Foot or Tour Bus |
You and the Kids Can Ride Your Bicycles on the Paths |
Founders Danny and Uli Nowlan’s Home |
Volunteer Species – a Say's Phoebe; Photo Taken at the Visitor’s Center |
2019 Alaska Vacation Journal
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